Speaking Up vs. Shutting Up

I am so infuriated that this will probably be the fastest post I ever throw up here. As I type, there are white supremacists marching with torches in Charlottesville, Virginia. They are chanting “blood and soil,” “F*** you f*****s,” and God knows what else.

Thankfully, there are counter protestors there, and those of us opposed to this disgusting ideology and behavior up in arms on social media, raising awareness that hmm, guess what, racism is alive and well in the United States. IN 20 EFFING 17. I am angered at anyone who has tried to say otherwise in the past decade. I’m not naive to the idea that unfortunately, racism will probably never go away; people will always have their own thoughts and opinions and the only people who can change the negative, destructive mindset of racists are the racists themselves.

I think right now, I am most angered at people who are turning a blind eye to what is happening at this very moment in Charlottesville. People who are not getting upset. People who are going about their days as if the country right now is all rainbows and unicorns. People who are refusing to “let this ruin their day.” Look, I didn’t want to wake up to this either, but it’s happening, and if we choose to ignore it, we’re enabling a white supremacist belief system to spread like wildfire.

In the past 10 months, the “leadership” – and I don’t care, I have to put it in quotes because this presidency is an absolute joke – in the United States has opened the doors for bigots, racists, ignorant, insecure excuses for decent human beings to spew their hatred against various groups in the national community who have been oppressed and marginalized for hundreds of years.

And people let it happen. They shrug their shoulders and say, “well, they have a right to free speech.” True, but when “free speech” is filled with hate, there are things called consequences for your actions. And speaking is an action. When your action is hateful and directed specifically towards a person or persons, be ready to deal with the repercussions.

Speaking of, where are the repercussions? When black people have peacefully marched, they’ve been beaten down, arrested, pepper sprayed, etc. From the coverage I’ve seen so far, these white supremacists haven’t had a single hair touched by law enforcement. The police claim they cannot intervene unless commanded to do so.

So who told them to intervene when black people were marching with only their cell phones and ZERO torches?! And this same “command,” – why aren’t they doing anything about these white supremacists?

Again, let me put my disclaimer out here: I support police officers. I am related to them, I am friends with them, I know they are needed for this thankless job. But I also support my community and there is a great, divide and distrust between them. This particular white supremacist march would’ve been a prime opportunity for the police in Virginia to show both sides how to shorten that gap. “To serve and protect” would’ve meant they hold the same standards to these white supremacists as they did with BLM protestors, and they would have – SHOULD HAVE – been as quick to intervene against these young white men the same as they did against young black men and women. Their lack of swiftness shows the people who have been continually on the short end of justice that the police pick and choose who they want to defend.

That does not sit well with me. Don’t claim to be fair if your actions are unfair. Don’t claim to be a decent, caring person when you aren’t speaking up and out against this type of injustice. Look within yourself and think, what can I do? Because there are things you can do! The fact that you’re even thinking about it is better than nothing!

I believe at this point the white supremacists are going home, as police presence has finally showed up. But what took so damn long? And what is everyone else doing?

I’m disappointed that this isn’t as important to some of my fellow Americans as it is to me. I don’t care what your political party is, I don’t care if you believe in God or not, I don’t care if you’re rich or poor. What I care about is if YOU care about YOUR fellow Americans. All of them. Not just the ones that look like you or make the same amount of money as you. What does all of that superficial stuff matter anyway? At the very core of our existence, we are all human beings and without co-existing with each other, we are fucking doomed.

I don’t know how far this post will reach. I don’t know if this is going to fall on deaf ears. I can only express how the actions and lack of action of other people affect me, and hope that maybe someone else can relate and feel they aren’t alone. I am but one person and I try my hardest to be a good example of decency, of kindness, and of compassion. It’s painful when people deny that things are fucked up in the country right now. How can they not know what’s going on? How can they not care?

Well, if they don’t know, this is a teachable moment. I’m going to speak up. And I will continue to speak up until the hate shuts up.

What are you going to do?


23 thoughts on “Speaking Up vs. Shutting Up

  1. Love is a Natural Emotion. When you come out of your Mother’s womb your Natural Emotion is to Love your Mother.
    Hate is an emotion which is TAUGHT!
    I have Black friends who have told me they “Taught” their children to Resist the Police and not trust White People. I also have White friends who say they have taught their kids to Not Trust Blacks or Muslims. WHAT THE F#@K IS YOUR PROBLEM PEOPLE?
    Let me ask you this question…..
    Right before you were born did God come to you and ask “Do you want to be born White or Black? Rich or Poor? Catholic or Muslim?” Like the Bible says, or whatever Holy Book you worship says “All men are created equal”!
    Parents who teach their children hate, on either side, should be Charged with Child Abuse!
    We have one World people, how hard is it to work to get along?

    1. I think most people know that hate is taught and learned. The last line of your comment hit the nail on the head. I don’t know why close-minded people feel that they are more deserving of the world than anyone who is different from them. While I disagree with the lesson of resisting the police and not trusting white people, I can certainly understand why your black friends are taking that approach. History has given many indications for them to justify their reasoning. My nieces and nephews are black, and they have been taught to be cautious and smart with the decisions they make.

      What do you say to your black and white friends who are teaching their children the wrong things?

      1. I REMIND them that NONE of us were given a choice by God to be born Black, White, Asian, Baptist, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Rich or Poor! While I have seen First Hand where people were NOT treated Equal, I tell them I Spoke Up to point out the wrong behavior. I also learned First Hand to always be RESPECTFUL and Not Emotional when explaining WHY I felt the behaviors were Wrong.
        I had High Hopes when America elected our First Black President that we were Finally going to see Significant Changes in Society. It was disappointing when I often saw “Mixed Messages” coming out of the White House. I wish I had a Magic Answer to end Racism once and for all in this world. But alas I can only do my part to try to end it one persona at a time.

        1. What “mixed messages” did you see? I think there were significant changes made in both of Obama’s terms that made more progress for people in this country that have been powerless for years. He worked really hard to get those changes under way, and now it seems any progress he made is going to be undone. It’s like he planted seeds and there was a little seedling, but now it’s going to be uprooted and tossed away.

          1. The “Mixed Messages” I saw in the Obama White House was that he sometimes was quick to take sides on issues before he had all the facts. I think his remarks concerning Treyvon Martin and also the teenager in Ferguson were too quick and he did not have all the facts. While I think George Zimmerman was a power hungry hothead, we will never know what really happened as a judge refused to let Treyvon’s past history as a troubled youth who had a violent past be brought into the trial. In Ferguson riots broke out based on statements which turned out to be 100% False. Those who made those statements should have been held accountable. Between President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder making statements blaming the police before all the facts and then the police being hotheads trying to prove a point, lives were lost and lives and business was destroyed. While I do NOT agree with many things President Trump has done, I give him high marks for taking time to comment on tough events. I also agree that many things President Obama planted the seeds for seem to be going by the wayside. I have high hopes that President Trump will work for a LASTING solution to the immigration issue and for the HATE Groups which have reared their ugly heads. They have ALWAYS been in the shadows but now have decided to see how far they can cross the line. Much like a child does with his parents until the parent shows them who is in charge. Lets hope the Tragic events in Texas will help heal the country and show what we can accomplish when we ALL work TOGETHER.

          2. I think you have to look at the position Barack Obama was in as a black man leading the country. You have to think of everyone who is not white, specifically black people, who placed their hopes in him after years and years and years of the poor treatment their people have taken. Think about if Obama had not spoken out as quickly as he did after Trayvon was killed, after Michael Brown was killed (that is the name of the teenager in Ferguson you referred to), among countless others. Can you imagine the backlash from the black community? It would be the same as the backlash Trump received when it took him longer than it should have to – at bare minimum – acknowledge the atrocious acts committed. The position of the President of the United States is not a judge in a courtroom. They don’t always need to receive all the facts before making a comment to the general people, that what happened or what is happening, is wrong. I cannot support Trump in his “taking the time to comment on tough events,” especially when those “tough events” were clear as day to the masses. Who doesn’t know that any public gathering of neo-Nazis/white supremacists/KKK has a high chance of not being a great idea?

            For young innocent black men to be killed at the hands of people who are supposed to protect the community, or for neo-Nazis (or anyone) to purposely ram down people with a car – those kind of events are heinous. And when heinous acts are committed, it is imperative for leaders to show that they share genuine empathy with the people they lead. The riots in Ferguson did not break out solely based on comments; they broke out because ANOTHER YOUNG BLACK MAN WAS KILLED BY A POLICE OFFICER. No one had to say anything publicly about that, the fact that that incident happened is enough for an entire community of people to be outraged. Whether or not comments were made, the riots broke out because history has showed that black people are not deemed valuable by other people in this country. Had Barack Obama waited any longer to receive all the facts – and let’s be honest, getting all the facts is not always a quick task – I can almost guarantee the black community would have felt some kind of betrayal. And they don’t need that.

            Also, what does Trayvon’s past have to do with the night he was killed? Do you mean to say that if he had a troubled past, that Zimmerman was justified in taking his life? Zimmerman’s record as a hothead is relevant because he was the one who killed Trayvon. Trayvon’s history is irrelevant because at the time they encountered each other, he was simply walking. If anyone wants to argue that he then became violent, drawing on his history of violent action, didn’t he deserve to defend himself?

          3. We agree on everything except it was the Liberal Media who HATES President Trump who made the length of time it took him to condemn the idiots in Carolina. He has been unfairly painted as someone who supports Hate Groups which is far from the truth. As far as Treyvon’s past, we will Never know what really happened. Zimmerman claimed that Treyvon “Jumped” him out of the bushes. I think there was issues on both side and no matter who was to blame in Ferguson or in Treyvon’s case, it was TRAGIC these two young men lost their life.

          4. I strongly advise you to be careful the way you use the word “hate,” I’ve noticed you use it a lot more frequently than most people I interact with. I know the media does not always do a good job of the way they report news for the public to interpret themselves, but it’s not like they made up the length of time that it took for him to acknowledge the events in Charlottesville. It’s not like he has to say anything through the media, if his Twitter account is any indication. He can say whatever he wants when he wants. It’s not always the media’s fault, especially when they report verbatim what Trump says, or when there is live video of his actions. If you say he has been painted unfairly, tough s***. He needs to stop crying and bitching about the media already, it’s getting old. I’ve said this before, being President of the United States comes with a lot of criticism, and if he can’t take it, perhaps he should learn how, because it will never stop as long as he is in that position. Criticism never stopped for Obama, it definitely never stopped for W, and to my best recollection, it definitely didn’t stop for Bill Clinton. They all continued to do their job without getting incredibly butt hurt from the media. I truly wish that everyone in the media, everywhere, would take a day or two to just not cover Trump at all. If he hates the media so much, let’s see how well he does without them. He seems to crave the media attention.

            It’s an easy copout to say that Trayvon’s death was tragic, but you were the one to bring up his “history as a troubled youth who had a violent past” not allowed to be presented in Zimmerman’s trial. You again didn’t really answer my question about why his past is relevant to the trial if he was not the one who took someone’s life. Whether his past was violent or not, it didn’t justify Zimmerman killing him. If there was an altercation, it would’ve been a fist-fight at most, wouldn’t you say? Why did there have to be a gun involved? Zimmerman armed, Trayvon unarmed. It wasn’t an even playing field, regardless of whatever happened that “we will never know.”

            “I think there was issues on both side” is an interesting choice of words.

          5. I think we agree that Treyvon should still be alive today and that no matter what his past, Zimmerman had no idea about his past. A gun is NEVER a way to resolve anything.

            That President Trump uses Twitter is OK by me as it is a direct link to the people. Although he has said many things which he should have kept quiet.

            I worked in Broadcasting for over 30 years until retiring four years ago. I can tell you that President Clinton Never was treated badly. If ANY President, before or since had sex with an Intern in the Oval Office they would have been forced to resign. I was ASHAMED of my Profession at time on the way President Obama was treated. While he personally did many things I disagreed with, at times the media was brutal towards him. I think President Obama did some wonderful things but also like all Presidents, failed in many. I think the media is 100x more brutal against President Trump. You mentioned the word “Hate”? I wonder where it has all came from? It did not Magically Appear on Election Day. An example of my thinking on the topic is “How many Confederate Statues were torn down by mobs the 8 years President Obama was in office?” What happened from November 2nd to 4th that made the thinking of Confederates and ownership of slaves change? I wonder if 30 years from now if everyone who owned a Toyota or other foreign car will be cast as Racist and any monuments of them torn down? I saw where a group of Atheist in California have petitioned the State to have All Statues of Christ and The Virgin Mary in front of churches removed as they find it offensive. Where will it end?

            We agree on more things than you may think but I also think there is still a LARGE & POWERFUL Group that is “Out To Get” President Trump at ANY cost. This is setting a Very Dangerous President.

          6. And why do you think the media is brutal against Trump? Like I said, he needs to be able to take it. He wanted this job. He campaigned for this job. Now he got the job and wants to whine about the criticism that comes with the territory? Please. He’s in a leadership position, so he needs to stop whining about the media. We have touched on this so I’m not going to reiterate it again because I know we both agree, he needs to focus. But look at his words, his actions, his body language, in comparison to his predecessors. This is someone we are all watching who is not qualified for this job. He is so out of touch with reality. It’s the media’s job to report what it is they are seeing from him so we the people can see it. Otherwise we’d be oblivious. It’s not so much that people are “out to get” him, let’s stop depicting him as a woe-is-me victim here. Perhaps it seems like they are willing to oust him from office “at any cost” because his decisions are GOING TO FUCK UP PEOPLE’S LIVES. Since he took office, damn near all his decisions have been received with such disagreement, protest after protest. And why do you think that is? Can you honestly say that you can support every decision he has made since January?

            You lost me a bit in your attempt to explain your way of thinking when it comes to the word “hate.” I’m not disagreeing with you on the many times you had said that hate is learned. I get it. You ask where it comes from? A good chunk of it comes from a percentage of Trump’s support base, as we all saw in Charlottesville. Your president took a while to denounce their actions and in that time he took, THEY interpreted it as support from him. This is why people are “out to get him.” You want to know where hate will end? It’ll end when people who enable haters (such as Trump) are removed from platforms on which their supporters are encouraged to continue their hateful ideologies and behaviors. You do see that, right? They identify with him for some reason. When he didn’t immediately brush them off, what are we supposed to think? If a neo-Nazi said they were friends with you, would you wait until you knew everything about them before you said, no, do not associate yourself with me?

            I don’t have a problem with atheists. People can not believe in God or a higher being and still be good people. I know that because I am friends with people who don’t believe the same way I do. But atheists petitioning for statues of Jesus and Mary to be removed, those attempts are not as heavily weighted as neo-Nazis and white supremacists wanting to wipe out living people. I have a co-worker who told me she didn’t say the Pledge of Allegiance in school because she didn’t agree with the “under God” part. Do I think that is hate? HELL NO. She is one of the sweetest, most empathetic people I know.

            “This is setting a very dangerous president.” Did you mean “president” or “precedent”? If it’s the former, if he’s becoming dangerous, all the more reason to remove him from office. If it’s the latter, what are you hinting at? An assassination attempt? It’s plausible given how easy it is to get a gun in this country, but I honestly don’t believe that anyone who is anti-Trump will go so far as that. And I really don’t want to go on another tangent with a gun debate, but if we must, fine.

          7. No, I do NOT AGREE with many of the things President Trump has done. I am also one who thinks even if you do not respect the man, you should respect the office.

            I feel the next six months will define his Presidency. I just hope and pray his good accomplishments will outweigh his bad.

          8. Aren’t you tired of seeing him make one bad decision after another though? When is enough enough?? If you’re questioning if I respect the office of the President of the United States, I do. If I didn’t, I couldn’t care less what this guy does. I respect this position so greatly, which is why I have a huge problem with his petty ass being in it.

            I think today totally defined his presidency, as did the day he pardoned Arpaio, as did his first week with the “travel ban.” I’ll give him credit for heading down to Houston after Harvey hit; that gives him 10 gold stars, and I’ll reluctantly be generous with that. But minus 100 gold stars for addressing the crowd by saying that “it’s a good turnout” and telling folks to “have a good time.” Out. Of. Touch.

          9. He Mis-Speaks a lot, that I will agree.

            But DACA had to go. It was costing Billions as we were providing Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid to thousands in the DACA program. I am all for a program that provides a pathway but a HUGE Majority of the people in DACA have not even tried to become citizens. I hope Congress replaces the program with a Streamline Immigration Overhaul that is fair to all. We need to control our borders, every other country does. We should Welcome Everyone but make sure they are not out to harm our country.

          10. With all due respect Dan, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Have you not seen the first hand accounts of the Dreamers who will be affected by this? I retweet them ALL THE TIME. Matter of fact, I’m going to take the time right now to find a thread that explains what their experience is, one which I retweeted only 2 days ago. “But a HUGE majority of the people in DACA have not even tried to become citizens.” A huge majority? Give me numbers. What about the rest of them who have tried? Who are working? Getting an education? Paying taxes? How many of these immigrants were down in Houston helping with relief efforts? Do you not see these on Twitter?


            Read this entire thread. It is by an undocumented immigrant.

            I must say, that line about not even trying to become citizens seriously upset me. I read this and think it is a heartless response in favor of saving a lot of money.

            Thank you for agreeing that he misspeaks a lot. Because his big, loose-cannon mouth is going to get him, and the country, into eventual trouble. You can’t blame the media for his inability to speak properly, and they can’t make this shit up. I don’t know when enough will be enough for you, because you didn’t answer my question. I don’t know how you can have hope with this guy, because he sure just took away a lot of hope for a lot of people who aren’t simply mooching. They’re hard workers, for example:


            And this:


            But sure, let’s destroy the futures of thousands.

          11. I think we should have a better path to citizenship but the Dreamer Program is not it.

            No other country in the world would let you enter their country and at the same time pay you Welfare, Food Stamps and free Medical Care.

            We need to take care of our own first. Lets help the homeless and others.

          12. “No other country in the world” – doesn’t that mean we’re showing leadership in kindness and compassion, or should we throw those values out the window?

            Did you even read that thread????? The first line alone says DACA is not a free ride.

            Why get rid of the program when there is nothing “better” ready to take its place? This administration is so quick to undo everything, they have no new solutions, so they’re fucking up people’s lives.

            “We need to take care of our own first.” These Dreamers did not choose to come here, they came here unknowingly and managed to make a life for themselves here, against the odds. Didn’t they eventually, at some point, become our own? They pay taxes, they contribute to society. Some homeless people don’t want the responsibility of taking care of themselves. SOME. I agree we need to help the homeless, but not at the expense of banishing people who have worked their asses off. And be specific when you say “others” because you’re starting to sound like Trump. Yes, we should be helping others like our Veterans (who some by the way, are Dreamers), single parents, the LGBT community, everyone who was born here who needs help. But we should be helping EVERYONE. That is what the country stands for.

          13. I 100% Agree we should be helping Everyone who needs help. But I also remember the days when Big Goverment did not help and people got by. There was a time when Families took care of their own and churches were there to help. My Grandmother took in three of her ten kids at one time or another when they had no jobs and were unable to feed their families. Was it a hardship on her, sure, but it was Family taking care of Family. There was not Foodstamps, Medicaid or other programs back then. Maybe we should try to help our own first and then use Federal Aid as a last resort?

            President Obama when he introduced DACA said “This is not a permanent solution” I am not Heartless, for 99% of those in the program this is the ONLY Country they have ever known. It would NOT be right to deport them in mass. From what I heard today both Congress and President Trump will not let that happen. If not I will be the first to stand up for their rights.

            But we need to Fix Immigration Laws in this country to prevent Huge Masses of people to continue to come into our country without vetting. No other country in the world allows as many Legal Immigrants a year. Over stay your VISA in most other countries you will go to jail and after your sentence you will be deported.

            I don’t have an answer, but I do agree we should let the CURRENT DACA participants STAY!

            I really think things are Getting Better. But when going through the transition of making things better comes pain. I was encouraged this morning when President Trump called in the Majority and Minority Leaders of both parties into an office and worked out a Hurricane Relief and Goverment Funding bill. Both sides too credit for making it happen but in the end it was the President, a known deal maker, who gather them all and made sure something was done. Let’s hope more deals which benefit All Americans can be made in the near future.

          14. Way to backtrack. Did your grandmother face deportation? And if she got by without aid, then your stance on “helping our own” isn’t that strong, because then “our own” don’t need it either. You seem to think that DACA participants are getting a free ride, which makes me think you still did not read that thread. The immigrants who were brought here by their parents when they were too young to make the decision to come here themselves, HAVE been vetted.

            “No other country in the world” – DUH, it’s because we’re the United States. How do you think this country was formed?

            “I don’t have an answer, but I do agree we should let the CURRENT DACA participants STAY!” – you should have said this in the first place.

          15. Yes, the current DACA participants have been Vetted and should stay. My Grandmother Did Without to be able to afford to feed the family members she took in.

            I have Mixed Feelings when it comes to the Parents of those covered by DACA. Part of me thinks the Parents belong in jail but my compassionate side knows they were just trying to get a Better Life for their kids. I would have done the same thing.

            And where DACA is “Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals” it was NOT meant to be Amnesty. I think they should still be required to pursue American Citizenship. You and I both know there is NO Right Answer or Easy Solution. They are paying taxes and being good citizens and they should stay.

          16. Again, read the thread. The entire thread. They know DACA is not amnesty. In the thread, trying to acquire citizenship is addressed.

            Why on earth didn’t you say all this to begin with? You started with “But DACA had to go. It was costing Billions.” That was completely lacking compassion.

          17. My feeling still is DACA needs to go but after spending several hours researching it, I think it needs to be Replaced with something better and something that has an Easier path to citizenship. I never meant to sound “Heartless”.

  2. looks like we both took the same stance this weekend in our posts. this line stuck out to me: “People who are refusing to “let this ruin their day.” — YES. i see a lot of martyrs out there who try to take the “i’m just going to be positive” stance. is it respectable? ehhhh, sure, i guess. but does it appear to be you’re also living in ignorant bliss? yeah, it does. wake up. you can choose to focus on positives but ALSO condemn the negative. acknowledge what is going on in your country if you oppose it. being silent does NOTHING.

    1. Absolutely. I understand they don’t want to get depressed with what’s going on in the world but the reality is these kind of things aren’t going to go away simply by ignoring them. I’m on board with demonstrating a positive attitude, but not to the point where people choose to be oblivious to the injustices around them. Plus it gives the impression that others will take care of it and they don’t have an ounce of human responsibility towards their fellow people.

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