You’ve Got to Be Kidneying Me

Well well well, look at me failing again. It’s been an up-and-down past several weeks, and now that we’re nearing the end of the year, the hustle-bustle between work and life is ramping up and keeping me from having the energy from posting on here but I refuse to be defeated! “If you follow me…

Speaking Up vs. Shutting Up

I am so infuriated that this will probably be the fastest post I ever throw up here. As I type, there are white supremacists marching with torches in Charlottesville, Virginia. They are chanting “blood and soil,” “F*** you f*****s,” and God knows what else. Thankfully, there are counter protestors there, and those of us opposed…

Second Daughter Syndrome

This is not an official dissertation, there is no medical evidence behind this, no studies done, just purely what I’ve noticed in my life as a second daughter (or to reach a broader audience, a Same-Sex-Second-Sibling. Mouthful. I’m not about to say SSSS for short. Maybe.). I am two years younger than my older sister,…

My First-Ever Yoga Class

I’ve been avoiding this for years. I like the clothes because they’re super comfortable, but I never allowed myself to entertain the idea of attending a class to practice yoga. I thought, there’s too many poses and I don’t see how this sheds any pounds, etc. And forgive me for saying so, but I was…

I Hate How You Drive

If you follow me on Twitter you’ll know that I often post a series of tweets venting about my morning commute to work, or evening commute going home. For a while, it was documenting my experiences on BART, where I had the luxury of sharing whatever it was I was experiencing in the moment: how…

Lame Adult

Soooooooo, since I birthed this blog last summer, I obviously haven’t kept up with it as much as I thought I would, and wanted. In the past couple of months I’ve had various ideas for posts run through my mind, failing to write them down, and then of course never got to them. It got…